New Beginnings offers several services that will gently accompany the bereaved and the parish community in their adjustment to loss and the sorrow it entails.
Catholic Funeral Mass Planning and Coordination
Our faith reminds us of the sure and certain hope that our loved one who died in Christ will rise with Him on the last day. A priest will guide you in planning a beautiful funeral liturgy for your deceased loved one. You will be assisted in choosing Scripture readings and hymns that express our Christian hope in Christ’s saving death and resurrection.
Contact: Christine Bravo (702) 901-4105
Grief Facilitation
These adult groups offer support to grieving individuals. In this open support group, the bereaved will receive resources and an opportunity to examine their experience of loss and share with others in a safe environment. The bereaved examine their feelings and learn coping mechanisms to move through the process.
Contact: Susie Cram & Linda Dammeyer (702) 459-7778
Children's Grief Ministry
Any life changing loss or life transition can significantly affect a child’s sense of wellbeing, leading to feelings of depression, withdrawal, anxiety, physical illness, struggles in school and sleep issues. It can be a hard journey for both children and their parents. Holy Spirit offers Draw It Out, an evidence-based program that accompanies children on their grief journey. In this small group setting, they find reassurance that they are not alone with peers facing their own losses. The coping skills they develop become a foundation for facing other inevitable losses throughout life. Extensively trained facilitators create a safe space where these children can explore overwhelming feelings and circumstances. Contact: Connie Theisen (970) 216-8977 [email protected]
Learn More
This group provides support for divorced individuals. A workbook and other resources are used by group members for discussion and sharing their experiences in a safe environment. The group process helps divorced individuals navigate through this difficult time and move toward healing and inner peace.
Contact: Barb Fraser (702)459-7778 or [email protected]
This is a supplemental program to support those who have experienced the death of a loved one by suicide. Call the parish office at 702-459-7778 or [email protected] for more information.